Briefs and Infographics
Dossier Statistico Immigrazione 2019. Infografiche
Convegno finale “Long Life Welfare”
Fondazione con il Sud, Anolf, Idos e Anteas vi invitano a partecipare al convegno finale del progetto “Long Life Welfare. Il volontariato a supporto della tutela e dell’autotutela” che si terrà a Roma, in via Po 21, il 17 luglio 2019 alle ore 9.00. Il...
Presentation of the Osservatorio Romano sulle Migrazioni – Fourteenth Report
L’Istituto di Studi Politici “S. Pio V” e il Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS invitano alla presentazione del Quattordicesimo Rapporto Osservatorio Romano sulle Migrazioni Roma, 13 giugno, ore 16.00 Auditorium di Via Rieti, 13 In occasione della presentazione il volume...
Asia – Italy. Migratory scenarios – Study trip
The card summarizes the main features of Asian immigration in Italy and the main prospects for the future. The text also represented the basis from which the study works held in Manila (Philippines) from 16 to 20 January 2012, on the occasion of the...
Eighth Cnel Report on the indices of social integration of foreigners in Italy
The card summarizes the main results of the Eighth CNEL / ONC Report on the indices of social integration of foreigners in...
Migration channels. Visa and irregular flows
The summary contains the main contents of the Fourth EMN Report "Migratory channels. Visas and irregular flows", edited by the Ministry of the Interior / Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration and by the Central Directorate for Immigration and...
Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo 2012
The sheet summarizes the main data and contents of the "Italians in the World Report 2012", promoted by the Migrantes Foundation and now in its seventh...
Asia – Italy. Migratory scenarios
The card summarizes the main contents of the book "Asia - Italy. Migration scenarios", promoted by Caritas and Migrantes and financed by the European Fund for the integration of third country...
Survey on family assistance in Italy: the contribution of immigrants
Summary of the main contents of the "Survey on family assistance in Italy. The contribution of immigrants", edited by the Centro Studi e Idos Research and promoted by UniCredit Foundation, in collaboration with Agenzia Tu...
International students in Italian universities
Summary of the Sixth EMN Italy Report "International students in Italian universities: empirical research and in-depth studies", organized by the Ministry of the Interior and the IDOS Research and Study Center, in collaboration with the Institute for...